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Word Problems Made Easy! Version 2

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What you’ll learn

  • be more comfortable with the process of solving word problems.
  • learn how to better develop strategies in solving word problems.


  • Students should have a basic knowledge of Algebra and/or be enrolled in an Elementary or Intermediate Algebra (Algebra 1 or Algebra 2) course.
  • You should be familiar with solving linear equations. Some advanced examples will require quadratic and rational equations.


Are you enrolled in an Algebra course in high school or college? Are you struggling to solve word problems?

Word problems, also called story problems, are understandably a source of frustration for many math students taking an Algebra course. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this course, I put together twelve years of classroom teaching experience into a set of strategies that will help you solve most common word problems that you’ll see in a typical Algebra class. An emphasis here is put in on how to read the word problem, how to organize and analyze the information given, and not be overwhelmed by all the numbers being thrown at you.

I have been teaching Mathematics, mainly in the two-year college system, since 2006. I have Masters Degrees in Mathematics Education, and in Statistics from Rutgers University. I have taught Algebra many times and I know that this subject unfortunately has a lot of negative stigma, and word problems in particular are a major source of frustration. I want to share techniques that I’ve used in my own classroom over the years.

This course is designed for students currently enrolled in an Algebra class who struggle with solving math word problems. This course does not cover algebra skills such as solving equations. You should be comfortable with linear equations, and for a few examples quadratic or rational equations as well.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for students who are enrolled in an Algebra course and want help with solving word problems.

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David Britz
495.4 MB

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